Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives - 2020-2022

In line with the mission statement and vision for Hedingham School, we, the staff and governors, aspire to ensure all our students broaden their horizons through a rich and varied enrichment programme and become active citizens who contribute positively to the community.

This is reflected in our school motto of:

Ready, Respect, Safe



We ask students: 

  • Are you ready for the 21st Century World?
  • We aim to ensure our students have developed broad horizons which reflect an inclusive 21st Century world
  • We aim to ensure all students who are looked after, young carers and/or Pupil Premium students are taking part in extra-curricular activities



We ask students: 

  • How do you celebrate difference and diversity?
  • As part of our enrichment programme, both within and beyond the classroom, we learn about and celebrate difference and diversity, whether that be race, ethnicity, religion or beliefs, sexual orientations, gender reassignment, gender or disability



We ask students:

  • How do you look after yourself and each other?
  • As part of our enrichment programme, we continue to raise the profile of anti-bullying through our well-being programme. We ensure all students have an awareness and respect for each others’ mental health. We ensure all students understand the boundaries of acceptable use of the internet and how to report anti-social behaviour